Look..Just look till you see

Picture courtesy: Google

Look at the ocean....

You see the sparkle, you see the roughness,

You see the waves dancing high and low,

But you don't see what lies below.

Look to the mountains....

They are so wide, they are so tall,

You see them covered with trees, rocks or snow,

But you cant see how far they stretch.

Look at the trees....

They are shade for some, home for some others,

Give food for many,

But you don't realize their bounty.

Look up to the skies....

The sun comes and goes, the moon and stars too.

The clouds block her face,

But you forget she is always there.

The sees are deeper than you know,

The mountains wider than you can imagine,

The trees will provide beyond their end,

the skies remain, even after you are gone.

You just need to look!

You would understand!!



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