If....? Ufff!!! -a rant
Just chanced upon a 5 year old memory. Obviously I was so pissed!! Judgemental people everywhere!! Well, nothing has changed....They still exist!
Here's my rant!
~ If....? Uffff!!! ~
If lending a helping hand to somebody superior, or even a boss, is considered 'buttering'....
Then yes, I'm buttering them so I can get into their good books, or even be promoted!
If not asking someone about their personal problems, (when they evidently seem to be wanting solitude) is considered being uncompassionate.....
Then yes, I am totally self-centered and extremely uncompassionate.
If having your priorities set, knowing what is best for you and making independent choices for your life is considered 'being inflexible'...
Then yes, I'm utterly rigid.
If walking away from an unpleasant situation, just so that the people, their fake emotions and pretentious gestures don't annoy you anymore than they already have, is considered being proud...
Oh yes! I have my nose higher up in the air than anyone else!!!
If choosing not to contribute to heated discussions/arguments is considered incompetent....
Then no doubt, I'm an absolute moron.
But if I do argue and stand firm with my views, and that seems arrogant...
I most certainly am!
If eating healthy and exercising (to control my weight gain as per medical advice) at this age, is considered as my struggle to remain a teenager till I lose my teeth....
Then yes, forgot to let you know, I've just signed up for Miss World 2016!!
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